
The Social Construction of Truth

This is a series of philosophical meditations attempting to tell the story about how 'truth' (general term) is a socially constructed phenomenon.

Friday, August 20, 2004


Made some changes to the commenting: I decided to use the built-in commenting feature instead of the haloscan.com one. Pros: Fewer passwords to remember and fewer sites to log into to do administrivia; also you can specify an email address to have comments sent to when someone comments on your blog so's you don't have to check it all the time. Cons: You can't (as far as I can tell) delete individual comments (e.g. in the case when someone you don't know makes a stupid comment or whatever), you can only hide all comments for a particular post.

I emailed the people at blogger.com about this. Perhaps something will come of it.

posted by pennedav  # 7:11 PM
So like two minutes after I logged out of the blogger service I found how to delete individual posts (go to http://help.blogger.com). However when you delete a comment only the text is deleted, but the fact that there was a comment is still left apparent. Not as clean as I would like. Oh well.
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