In thinking about how I will execute the task I have set before myself (i.e. that of exploring the notion of truth) there are some questions which are essential for me to answer at some point. These are:
(Q1) What is the conventional conception of truth?
(Q2) What is wrong with that conception?
(Q3) What is right about that conception?
(Q4) What "better" conception of truth am I offering?
(Q5) How is it possible to reconcile a socially bound notion of truth with belief in some sort of absolute being (e.g. God) which is thought to have established certain immutable truths (e.g. those of 'right' and 'wrong')? Is it possible?
(Q6) Are there (as a consequence of Q5) multiple equally valid conceptions of truth? If so, how is this possible?
Surely there are many more questions, but these seem (right now) to be the most important ones for me to consider.